Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing in the BVI – How much to invest?

Social media marketing in the BVI is a great way for businesses to increase their brand visibility on the Internet.

Unlike traditional marketing, social media requires only a few resources. For a small investment, businesses can reach out to a huge audience.

Social Media Platforms

Then, there are a few platforms of social media that businesses should definitely use. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn should all be included in any business’ social media strategy. Other platforms to consider are Instagram and Pinterest. 

It’s important to be on several social media websites because they all have a different purpose. In addition, not all consumers are on every social media platform. Some people may have a Facebook page but refuse to join Twitter. A well conceived social media marketing strategy, will plan on which platforms to use based on who their typical users are. The goal is to attract as many followers as possible. 

Try a few

That being said, social media marketing shouldn’t be the only platform you invest in. Some businesses make the mistake of basing their entire digital marketing strategy on a single social media platform. 

Social Media Might not be the Right Fit

Sometimes, social media falls short in some areas. It doesn’t always have as good an ROI as email marketing. In most cases, Social Media Marketing, will barely address SEO or page ranking. 

Entrepreneur article talks about the pros and cons of social media marketing. The article warns against investing all of your resources in social media:  

“Putting all your eggs in one basket is recipe for disaster. Social media marketing should be one part of a unique, and diverse marketing strategy. If that part of the strategy starts to decrease, you pivot instead of feeling the effects financially. Successful entrepreneurs are trendsetters, not followers of what used to work.”

Your best bet is to make social media a cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy. Just remember that social media revolves around your entire digital marketing strategy, not the other way around.